How to apply for the Auxiliares de Conversación program in Spain

Well guys, it’s about that time. The application period for the 2014-2015 Auxiliares de Conversación program will open next month on January 9, and I can practically feel your anxiety and anticipation from here! This program is basically a dream and I understand why any American would want to...

A Winter Getaway to Madrid

Man oh man can some cities whip out the charm during the holiday season…New York; Washington, DC; Ludwisberg, Germany (I’ve heard); and now Madrid! Most people think that a trip to Spain should only take place in the spring or summer and of course, I’m here to prove them...

The Weekend Files: La Vida Española in Chinchón

Sometimes living in Madrid, it’s hard for me to get the feeling that I’m actually in Spain. In my experience, most large cities have similarities: great restaurants, fashionable people, fast lifestyles, and occasionally the culture of the destination is lost. When I start to get the “get out of...

Where to see Europe’s most famous monuments without leaving Madrid

If you’re a bit strapped for cash but want to see the most famous monuments in Europe, I may have a solution for you. Parque Europa, located in Torrejon de Ardoz (a suburb of Madrid), is home to 17 replicas of European monuments, as well as an original piece...

How I’m Battling Homesickness

Alright. It’s time for me to cut the crap. While Spain is beautiful and my life seems completely together on paper, I would be lying through my key strokes if I were to sit here and tell you all that everything is as perfect as it seems on Instagram....

The Weekend Files: Segovia – A Photo Essay

I’ve traveled to a few places in my life that just cannot be described in words.  There’s no appropriate word or phrase to describe the vivacity of the colors, the interesting yet often complicated history, the warmth of the people and the intricate architecture. Segovia is one of those...