Posts Tagged ‘ Nevada ’

End of summer recap: A photo essay

Happy almost Labor Day! Today marks the unofficial last weekend of summer, how sad! Although I’m bummed that summer is on its way out, looking back, it was one of my best regarding travel.  I was able to travel domestically and internationally, and now with a move to Madrid on the horizon,...

Six sinless activities in the mythical city of Las Vegas

Rarely do I come across a place that I simply do not understand but I have to admit, Las Vegas is one of those places.  Earlier this month I spent an ENTIRE week in *Las Vegas (I can’t recommend staying there for more than four days); my first visit...

A helicopter tour of the Grand Canyon

Part of me feels like a terrible American because I had never visited the Grand Canyon before last week.  It’s not like I hadn’t tried!  The last time I was in Arizona, a freak snowstorm caused the south rim of the Canyon to close and seemingly dash my hopes of...