Being nerdy at MIT

Hi all! I hope you had a memory-filled weekend!  I’m super excited at the current moment because on Friday I kicked off the start of about nine days of travel. I just got back from spending the weekend in Boston/Cambridge with friends then I have about 24 hours in NYC before heading to Utah tomorrow evening. I am SOOOOOO excited!! I can’t wait to try things I’ve never tried before and most importantly I can’t wait to share them with you! Trust me, I’ve got some crazy things lined up!
Ok so let’s talk Boston.  My former roommate is now a graduate student at MIT, just celebrated a birthday, and recently moved into a new apartment with her boyfriend.  She’s such a grown up! Needless to say we had plenty of things to celebrate so a bunch of us New Yorkers headed up to Beantown (does anyone know why people call Boston Beantown? Seriously. I need an answer).  Everything about Cambridge is so collegiate.  I swear I almost bought textbooks just so I could pretend like I was a co-ed among co-eds.  Anyway, I’m not.  And neither are my friends. But that didn’t stop us from strolling on campus, going to an a capella show, and laughing at drunk kids in dive bars.  A few pics after the jump…I’ll admit right now I didn’t take as many as I should have 🙁

Housewarming! Roomie being the perfect host

Fair trade store I explored on Massachusetts Ave. Please ignore my boot.

Store’s mission. I love supporting places like this.

So many beautiful products

MIT Kresge Auditorium

The worst photo of a rotunda ever. I guess I got a little dizzy!

Students! Haha not really…these are my friends. We are OLD.


I hear the kids call this the hallway of infinity

Stunning architecture

Boston Harbor at night! Yes we crossed the Charles River on foot and it was soooo cold!

Finally I just want to thank Re3ecca for nominating me for a Very Inspiring Blogger Award! I don’t know very much about it but I’m super honored! I’ll be doing a full post about it tomorrow as well as an update regarding my departure to Utah tomorrow night. Night all!

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One Response

  1. Rebecca Taft says:

    Thanks so much for coming! The hallway is actually called the “Infinite Corridor,” but I think your version sounds better 🙂

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